Sunday, July 15, 2012

Rwanda and DRC 'agree on international border force'

Breaking news

The proposed force would tackle militia groups in the eastern DR Congo.

The deal was reached by leaders of the two countries on the sidelines of an African Union summit, Rwanda's Paul Kagame told AFP news agency.

DR Congo and Rwanda often accuse each other of backing rival rebel groups, and have gone to war in the past.

According to a declaration from the Addis Ababa meeting seen by Reuters news agency, the leaders agreed to "work with the AU and the UN for an immediate establishment of a neutral international force to eradicate" all armed groups in eastern DR Congo.

The conflict, which has killed and displaced million of civilians over nearly two decades, has its roots in Tutsi-Hutu enmities dating back to Rwanda's 1994 genocide.

Source & Image : BBC

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