Sunday, August 12, 2012

How newspapers in swing states reacted to Ryan as Romney’s VP pick

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Voters picking up their newspapers in swing states on Sunday got a small glimpse of what kind of coverage Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan can expect between now and Election Day.

In Ohio, "Romney's choice of Ryan seen as bold move with appeal to the right," the Cleveland Plain Dealer said.

"Ryan Shakes Up the Race," the Virginian-Pilot said on its front page.

"Ryan reshapes campaign," the Denver Post declared. "Ryan is idolized by young conservatives, and he brings specific--and controversial--fiscal formulas to the ticket."

Colorado's Durango Herald called Ryan a "strong conservative with economic vision."

[Slideshow: How newspapers in swing states reacted to Paul Ryan]

According to those in Ryan's hometown of Janesville, Wis., Romney is "getting an articulate and straightforward young man with Midwestern values," the Milwaukee Sentinel Journal said.

Romney's VP pick "could play well in Iowa," the Des Moines Sunday Register said.

But "Ryan could hurt Romney in Florida," the Miami Herald said. "Ryan's plans to retool Medicare pose challenges in Florida, as does his one-time opposition to the Cuban embargo, a stance anathema to many Cuban Americans."

In Tampa, where the Republican National Convention will convene later this month, the Tampa Bay Times earned the award for punniest Ryan headline: "Fiscal Attraction."

Source & Image : Yahoo

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