Thursday, April 26, 2012

Georgetown faculty members skewer Paul Ryan budget plan

US Congressman Paul Ryan New York, New York 10 April 2012

Rising Republican star Paul Ryan has been condemned at a top Catholic university for remarks that his budget plan was inspired by church teaching.

Faculty members and priests at Georgetown said they could not condone a spending blueprint they warned would hurt society's most vulnerable.

The House budget chairman delivered a keynote lecture at the Jesuit college on Thursday morning.

Mr Ryan's plan has been praised by presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

"We would be remiss in our duty to you and our students if we did not challenge your continuing misuse of Catholic teaching to defend a budget plan that decimates food programs for struggling families, radically weakens protections for the elderly and sick, and gives more tax breaks to the wealthiest few," said the letter by 90 faculty members and priests to the Wisconsin representative.

The letter adds: "In short, your budget appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Paul Ryan talked about Subsidiarity, which emphasises the importance of local communities and institutions such as the family, the church and charities. It suggests they empower an individual and support the principle of the dignity of each person.

But the Catholic theologians and bishops who have so vigorously condemned Mr Ryan's comments say Subsidiarity cannot be reduced to the notion that "Big Government is bad". It was developed to protect the individual, especially the vulnerable - the poor, the old and the sick.

Of course, this leaves Catholic teaching open to interpretation and Mr Ryan isn't the first to use it to give philosophical substance to his political platform.

On the Democratic side, Presidents Obama and Clinton have both used "the common good" as a rallying cry for a more progressive politics that embraces economic and social justice.

Mr Ryan, who unveiled his budget last month, recently said the church doctrine of "subsidiarity" was reflected in his budget proposal.

"To me, the principle of subsidiarity, which is really federalism, meaning government closest to the people governs best," Mr Ryan said during an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network.

But the letter from Georgetown University rejects this claim, saying: "Subsidiarity is not a free pass to dismantle government programs and abandon the poor to their own devices."

Correspondents say the letter offers a perspective from within the Catholic community that distances the Church from conservatives.

Catholic leaders recently criticised the Obama administration's decision to require employers to offer contraceptive services to their employees through their health coverage.

President Barack Obama attacked the Ryan budget proposal days after it was approved in the Republican-dominated House of Representatives last month.

He labelled the plan "social Darwinism" that would impose a "radical vision" on the country. He also noted in his remarks that Mr Romney had said the plan was "marvellous".

Source & Image : BBC

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